
EPA: The benefits of proposed automobile tailpipe standards are estimated to be $1 trillion more than costs

From the WSJ (EPA Seeks to Boost EVs With Toughest-Ever Rules on Tailpipe Emissions):

The Biden administration is proposing new limits on vehicle tailpipe emissions, seeking to spur U.S. auto makers to generate two-thirds of their sales through electric vehicles in a decade.

The new standards for light-duty vehicles, announced Wednesday by the Environmental Protection Agency, will apply to the 2027 to 2032 model years. They would be the nation’s toughest-ever restrictions on car pollution and one of President Biden’s most aggressive moves yet to combat climate change.

The proposal moves beyond Mr. Biden’s ambitious target for half of all new-vehicle sales to be electric-powered by 2030. The EPA projects that the EVs could account for 67% of new- vehicle sales by the 2032 model year. …

The EPA estimated that the benefits of the proposal would exceed costs by at least $1 trillion. The proposal is expected to avoid 7.3 billion tons of carbon-dioxide emissions through 2055, EPA Administrator Michael Regan said.

Does anyone know where I can find that benefit-cost analysis? I’m wondering what social cost of carbon estimate they are using, among other things. The Google didn’t help. 

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