Editor's Pick

Trump, Dominion and the Weaponization of Defamation

On this episode of Radio Rothbard, Ryan McMaken and Tho Bishop talk about recent court cases involving defamation claims, justifying libertarian skepticism of the entire concept. As Ryan noted in a recent Wire article, the Dominion lawsuit in particular, is a particularly chilling case for free speech, with a taxpayer-funded company effectively silencing public critics. This, along with the recent Trump verdict, are an illustration of the continuing escalating weaponization of the court system for political ends.

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Recommended Reading

“The Dominion Lawsuit against Fox News is Part of the War against Free Speech” by Ryan McMaken.: Mises.org/RR_133_A

“The Alex Jones Verdict Shows the Danger of Defamation Laws” by Ryan McMaken: Mises.org/RR_133_B

“Lawsuits Are the Hitman of the State” by Brian Caplan Mises.org/RR_133_C

Be sure to follow Radio Rothbard at Mises.org/RadioRothbard.

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